Friday, September 13, 2019

Human Growth and Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Human Growth and Development - Essay Example sociological and biological interactions of the individual sets off an individual on deviant behavior which when left untreated debilitates the scope of a normal adulthood (Castellanos-Ryan et al, 2013, p41). Drug abuse and addiction is today a major public health concern. Drugs modify normal brain functioning in regions of the brain mainly associated with thinking, reasoning and cognition (Gould, 2010, p4). Neurotoxins have lesser impact on developing brains because of the resilient ability of the brains; however, exposure to drugs and alcohol interrupts the normal brain development and interferes with key processes of the brain, deteriorates white matter quality and leads to abnormal neuronal pattern (Squeglia et al, 2009, p31). Swendson et al (2010, p390) carried out a cross-sectional study to examine the prevalence of addiction among U.S. adolescents and found that by the late adolescent years 79% had consumed alcohol while 81% had tried illicit drugs at least once. The median age for onset for both alcohol and drug addiction was set at 14 years (Swendson et al, 2010, p392).90% of American who are addicted today started smoking, drug abuse and drinking during adolescent years (Park,2011)Nowadays, news reports are flooded with instances of drug abuse within schools and university campuses. Some consider use of certain drugs for recreational purpose or for added advantage. Hard drug usage is on the rise in the Michigan Campus (Radwin, 2014). According to the Office of Adolescent Health in 2011, 605 of Michigan high school students abused tobacco, 18% were addicted to alcohol while a good percentage of students abused hard drugs such as marijuana and cocaine (Office of Adolescent Health, 2011). With the incr easing numbers of growing teenagers falling prey to such instances it is obvious that the access to abusive substances is prevalent. One of the therapies that has been scientifically proven to benefit drug addiction is spirituality. Even though religion is

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