Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Learning from Mistakes

I don’t remember anyone ever telling me how important school was. Maybe they did and I just chose to ignore it. Instead, I focused all of my energy on my friends, and â€Å"extra-curricular activities† that had nothing to do with academics. I remember thinking I already knew all there was to know about the real world. But, as a teenager, I guess you don’t really know anything. So, I continued to have fun with my friends without thinking of what the future had in store for me. Now here I am at the age of thirty-three and I realize how much easier my life would have been if I listened to the wise words being told to me by my mom, dad, and mostly from my grandmother. High school should be a time to spread teenage wings, growing up from children into young adulthood. To start preparing for the dreaded â€Å"C† word, College. When most kids were shuffling themselves from class to class, taking notes, flipping through pages of boring text books, I was nowhere to be found. Instead I was hanging out in the parking lot. My activities included swapping gossip from other delinquents. Instead of learning the periodic table of elements, I learned the basic chemistry of illicit drug use. When others were learning the miracles of internal combustion, I learned how to scope out unlocked parked cars that allowed me access to â€Å"OPP† Other People’s Property. I earned my unofficial degree in General Education by majoring in Street Smarts. However, one can’t write that on a resume. During this time, my family raised their efforts in trying to encourage me to go back to school. My parents were informed by the truancy department of my 30 day personal leave of school and my mom was being threatened to go to jail for my actions. My mother had had enough and dragged my know-it-all behind back into school following into each room and sitting with me to ensure I actually attended class. She was my faithful but unwilling lunch partner. As upset as I was that she followed me around like an angry mother bear, my friends enjoyed their free lunch. Midway through my sophomore year in high school I dropped out and focused my time on losing myself in the fog of drugs. Days melted into weeks, which then melted into months. One day I woke up and realized I was nineteen years old. It wasn’t too long after that I found out I was pregnant with my oldest daughter Christal. All of a sudden education became important to me. I enrolled into Serremonte Del Rey Adult education. Going back to school with an infant child was harder then I could imagine. Diapers and bottles became routine and somewhere in the middle of raising a baby I had to find time to do my homework. It was hard but I was able to graduate with my G. E. D. A few years later my second daughter, Jennel, soon came along. Somewhere between the birth of my first and second child, I realized I had to get a job. I was twenty-three at the time. My first job was at a jewelry kiosk called â€Å"Impressions By The Inch. † Working as a single mom took up most of my time and energy. If I wasn’t at work, I was home taking care of kids. The hangouts in the High School parking lot were things of the past. As those fun days disappeared I realized that I had wasted my time having fun and not preparing for me or my daughters future. After working in the jewelry store, I started working as a manager in the retail store called Aeropostale for three years. It was exhausting, raising two daughters and accommodating a hectic schedule was near impossible. I found myself at times sleeping overnight in the back room because it was easier than going home in between work shifts. Soon I found a job working for the Marriott Hotel chain where I’ve been for five years. Working for the Marriott was a blessing in disguise as far as my path back to education. Had it not been for the constant breakdown of office equipment and computer failures, I would not have realized how much I enjoy the inner workings of computers. Recently, my hours at work were reduced giving me an opportunity to go back to school. One of the best decisions I’ve ever made was to go back to school to get my degree. Going back to school added other difficulties, but I am glad to accept them because I know I am working towards a goal that will one day make my future better and brighter. Looking back, I have to ask myself, â€Å"Do I regret the choices that I made in my adolescent days? † I can definitely say that I don’t regret a thing! My experiences made me the strong, independent, hard working woman that I am today. My only wish now is that when my children look at me and the life I lived then and live now they will see their mom, a woman that despite my many mistakes, I learned important lessons along the way. Even though I had a rough start in school, I had the courage to go back. Education is an important key in making a better life. It is never too late to go back to school. Street smarts are important to have, but to have a well rounded education means getting a degree. They can use the lessons I learned to help them prepare themselves for a career and not just a job. That is how they can make a better life for their children. I hope they take my experiences and use them to make themselves better women. As far as education, I want them to know what they learn in school helps them make a better future.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Leadership Incident Essay

Companies differ markedly in their ability to produce future leaders, as several recent analyses of the 1,187 largest publicly-traded U.S. companies revealed. Among the CEOs in one study, a remarkable total of 26 once worked at General Electric (GE). But as the table below shows, on a per-employee basis that earns GE only tenth place in terms of the likelihood of a current or former employee’s becoming CEO of a large company. Top on the list is management consulting firm McKinsey & Company. Amazingly, if we extrapolate into the future from the current stock of McKinsey alums who are CEOs, of every 690 McKinsey employees, one will become CEO of a Fortune 1000 company. Some companies did not fare nearly as well, such as Citigroup (odds: 30,180:1), AT&T (odds: 23,220:1), and Johnson & Johnson (odds: 15,275:1). While some might dismiss the results, not surprisingly, the companies at the top of the list do not. â€Å"We are a leadership engine and a talent machine,† said retiring P&G CEO A. G. Lafley. Questions 1. Management consulting firms did very well on a per-employee basis, partly because they are mostly comprised of managers (as opposed to blue-collar or entry-level workers). How big a factor do you think composition of the workforce is in likelihood of producing a CEO? 2. Do you think so-called leadership factories are also better places for non-leaders to work? Why or why not? 3. Assume you had job offers from two companies that differed only in how often they produced CEOs. Would this difference affect your decision? 4. Do these data give any credence to the value of leader selection and leader development? Why or why not? Based on D. McCarthy, â€Å"The 2008 Best Companies for Leaders,† Great Leadership (February 17, 2009),; F. Hansen, â€Å"Building Better Leaders†¦Faster,† Workforce Management (June 9, 2008), pp. 25-28; D. Jones, â€Å"Some Firms’ Fertile Soil Grows Crop of Future CEOs,† USA Today (January 9, 2008), pp. 1B, 2B.

Monday, July 29, 2019

A Brief Note On The Rising Water Crisis

Water Conservation and Pollution In the world today, water scarcity persists in being an unnerving issue. The world’s supply of water is diminishing and is further narrowed by pollution. Without measures taken to conserve our water, there will be a global and chronic drought. As long as water is scarce, it is imperative to develop proposals concerning water conservation and pollution. Although water is one of the most abundant resources on the planet, we are not able to utilize the majority of it†¦ excessive amount of water. I am guilty of taking this resource for granted by taking long showers, not using a stopper while washing dishes, thus leaving the hot water running for far too long, and washing less than a full load of clothing on multiple occasions. Rather than wasting all of the water that I use in the shower and while cleaning dishes in the sink, I could have been reusing it as greywater. Greywater is household wastewater that can be reused to clean household items or water the lawn and garden†¦ 1. Most of the total water withdrawals in France are used by the Industry: 24. 48 billion m3 followed by municipal water use of 5.49 billion m3 and agricultural water use 3.143 billion m3. In percentages industrial water withdrawals represent 73.93%, agricultural water withdrawals represent 9.49 % and municipal 16.58 %. (Aquastat) In comparison the world water withdrawals used by industry in 2007 are 734 km3 or 19 % of the total†¦ problems: the Syrian Refugee Crisis. As millions of Syrians are displaced by the Syrian Civil War, they attempt to seek refuge in surrounding foreign nations. So far, the countries of the world have only addressed the crisis by deciding the fate of the refugees that cling to their borders. However, these individual policies are ineffective in addressing the whole problem. In fact, these unified strategies have led to creation of additional problems, expanding the crisis into new countries on an unimpeded†¦ A History To Rewrite - Syrian Refugee Crisis The United States of America is always considered as a role model country for many other countries and people of different countries. People of different countries always look at America as their final hope when their country is going through different crisis. Moreover, America always share a great history of stepping up and help protecting the rights and moral values of those people in need. This time, the innocence Syrian people are looking at the America†¦ Man-made Water Crisis Droughts have played a huge role throughout California’s history. Just as recently as two years ago, California’s record-breaking drought was declared the worst in the state’s history. However, this year, Governor Jerry Brown declared the drought emergency at an end. Many residents have referred to California’s issue as a â€Å"man made drought.† In other words, the water crisis is not from the lack of fresh water in California, but the lack of purposeful direction and use for†¦ Flint Michigan Water Crisis Many would argue that the United States is the best country on this earth. Millions of immigrants have come here for a better life because United States opened its doors to welcome those seeking political and religious freedom as well as the "adventurer, the wanderer, the persecuted, the fortune seekers, and others" (Arizaga, 2007). Immigrants built up the United States from the very beginning. This country was, and continues to be a kaleidoscope of ethnic and cultural†¦ Ariana Donini Rivera EC480 October 10, 2016 Rising Cost of Healthcare The United States of America spends more money per person on healthcare than almost any other country in the world. The total amount spent on healthcare per capita in the U.S. is around $9,000, whereas the second highest spending country is Switzerland at about $3,500 (Squires & Anderson). Increased spending on healthcare does not equate to longer lifespans or better health. The U.S. has fewer hospitals, higher obesity rates†¦ Safety is a priceless commodity. Nevertheless, Syrian migrants paying an average of 2500 euro ($2840) to be smuggled into European nations would argue otherwise. The Syrian refugee crisis continues to be an international issue as the United States and other non-European nations begin to extend asylum offers to refugees, while European nations hope the 230 million euros they have invested in researching methods to hinder illegal immigration will prove successful in combatting refugees looking to immigrate†¦ In September of 2015, the image of 3 year old Aylan Kurdi 's lifeless body being pulled from Turkish waters forced the world to shift its collective gaze towards Syria where thousands of individuals were risking their lives in order to flee their war-torn country. What began as a civil war, has resulted in the largest displacement of individuals since World War II. The Syrian refugee crisis is one of the most pressing issues that the world is facing today. The influx of refugees into neighbouring†¦

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Innovation - Essay Example (Thompon, 88-119) "The role of innovation i to provide new and alternative way of addreing common and recurrent challenge. Within the governance paradigm, which i itelf multi-faceted, innovative ytem and olution do not appear in predictable form. Innovation i more commonly aociated with reearch and development intitution, and buine development unit in the private ector, than it are with the public ector". The competitive challenge for the future caue low-cot producer and low-cot innovator. A we al know innovation i putting new idea into practice and achieving commercial ucce with them. It contain efficient idea that lead to brand new product or ervice like a new flu drug or mobile phone and efficient idea which improve the way thing happen. Innovation i not jut about new technology, it i about new idea. New idea can improve all apect of the way in which firm work uch a ervice giving, financial management and manufacturing procee. In that ene there are many innovative factor which improve the operation of firm, intitution and ociety. An organization' effort in innovation hould be integrated and form a trong foundation to build. There are many innovative firm which are managing technology and exhibiting growth in area uch a information technology and biotechnology and many other ector. The previou appreciation of innovation which baed on the concept of reearch and development and trading of new product and implementing new technologie, i not ufficient now. A wider definition and identification of innovation for any kind of organization i needed, it had better to know about the contribution of ervice and information baed indutrie to the economy. (Thompon, 88-119) Innovation reult not only from the application of Reearch and Development activitie but alo meeting and fulfilling cutomer demand, problem-olving and adapting to the

Marketing Information System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Marketing Information System - Essay Example The technological opportunities are obviously highly appealing for Marketers to explore and use extensively and intensively. Technology has no inherent morality and the way in which it is utilized is what really matters. In this matter, both the deontological as well as the utilitarian view of ethics (Bergman, 1997) apply. Drawing coop concentration to the ethical facet of the use of web-based technologies in the area of marketing might comprise of differentiating force for proactive firms. Some aspects of information gathered are visible (such as self-divulgence of information for purchase, self-divulgence of information in accessing a web-site, self-divulgence of information for free merchandise) and some are less visible (such as anonymous profile data, IP, cookies). Owing to these possible uses and abuses of information, many consumers remain hesitant about Internet purchasing. The development of software allowing "private Internet experience" and "completely undetected surfing" is an indication of consumer concern regarding the invasion of privacy. There is room for the development of competitive advantage. The Issue of Marketing Tools Advertising is an important marketing tool on the Internet with a range of possibilities for customer interactivity and involvement (Ranchhod, 1998). Banner advertising has been an important tool for many Internet based advertisements with much research dedicated to its design elements. At the same time, marketing professionals try to comprehend how individuals surf through websites and consequently attempt to increase the CTR (click-through ratio). In this regard, researchers as well as practitioners attempt to recognize key variables like type and size of ad banners, animation, use of color, sounds, images, incentives, etc. Certain practices can be monitored and are endorsed as efficient ones like pop-ups, deceiving banners (computer-like messages, with "ok" button). Parallel to Internet advertising, the development of e-mail marketing and Spam are features of aggressive e marketing. However, there is still a long way to go before many companies put in place the best and most effective approaches to conduct an exceptional email marketing campaign.Companies already have the creativity, the magnificent deals on offer and the colourful landscapes of dreamy holidays to mention a few, but what marketers don't know is that sometimes this creativity can actually get in the way, preventing emails from making it into the inbox. If this is the case, what good does a top-notch creative campaign do if the email is never opened. Although marketers are often from a creative background, one cannot ignore the vital impact of analysis. The information convened from campaigns, such as click through rates and churn rates, is definatele key to gain the discernment about customer's likes and dislikes, and provides the preliminaries to make future campaigns more effective and pertinent. This lead to the conclusion that the emails that companies send are delivered and contain valuable information for customers. By targeting messages more closely and handling customer data more efficiently and effectively, not only will the possibility of fabricating a sale increase, but the overall costs can be cut, databases cleaned and a greater

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Organizational stucture, processes, and functions Essay

Organizational stucture, processes, and functions - Essay Example This is, however, the focus but other areas of investment is the upper economic class whose products are a little expensive and attracts the interests of them all in the market through the packaging size and manner (Ajami, 2006). Executive Summary DJ Company is established in consideration of the different requirements that people have in order to conduct their daily lives with ease by spending according to their ability. The company will have its headquarters in the city of New York considering the ease of transport within through railway, air, connection to water, roads and through air, but also, it will have other offices and stall in other parts of the world. The company will have a strong networking system that will link different centers in the various parts of the world where it will have stall and offices and will establish a reliable system through which customers will receive services like online purchase of products. The company will put into consideration the need for eff iciency in supply of consumer products in the world and the focus on low-income earners who may not have a lot of money to spend on very high cost products. Through this, the DJ Company will supply diverse products and services to, majorly, middle class population observing the quality standards needs as well as making the products affordable. Projected Budget Items Year one Year two Targeted (Amount in million US Dollars) Actual (Amount in million US Dollars) Targeted (Amount in million US Dollars) Actual (Amount in million US Dollars) Income Sales Shares Partnerships Others Total Spending Products Labor Warehousing and transport Offices and systems Others Total Balance 2435 4550 750 2500 10,235 800 900 750 500 250 3200 7,025 4300 5500 1200 3000 14,000 1600 1500 1200 600 300 5200 8800 2435 4550 750 2500 10,235 800 900 750 500 250 3200 7,025 The budget will be outsourced from partnership and other acquisition of loans from different companies as well as the sale of shares of the com pany to any interested individuals. This will ensure that all that the company requires will be provided and this will foster expansion to other parts of the world and consequently increasing productivity and profitability of the DJ Company. The company will spend a lot of money on offices and systems because in many parts of the world, it will start in rented places before it obtains its own premises in the specific operational locations (Kanki, Helmreich & Anca, 2010). Personnel Listing DJ Company will have its five major departments, which will be led by executive officers that will manage different plans of the company for the success and profitability of the company. These departments include the executive, budget office; office of IT, human resource and marketing and under their respective officers, the departments will facilitate the progress of the company as whole through designing of organization strategies to meet the various departments (Bhattacharyya, 2009). To facilita te adaptability and profitability of the DJ Company in different places in the world, the company will have other personnel that will enhance business activities in those specific areas of operation. Among the personnel, include the branch managers who will be situated in various points of operation and

Friday, July 26, 2019

Review the book named middlemarch Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Review the book named middlemarch - Essay Example It constantly ran through Dorothea’s mind what the reaction of her husband would be if she did not accept his request (Eliot 678). According to Dorothea, a wife should be there to fulfill the wishes of her husband. Even though, her husband seemed to be selfish, Dorothea considered that the requirements of her husband were much more important than hers. Part 2 Being caught in such a situation is extremely tough to imagine. Speaking from a neutral point of view, every human is selfish to their well being first, and, for this reason, I think only a few people would consider carrying on with a dead person’s work. Therefore, if I was in Dorothea’s shoe, I would decline carrying one with Mr. Casaubon’s work because it certainly does not interest me. Before I make any decision, I only consider how it will affect me and the parties involved. Considering that Mr. Casaubon likes his work a lot, and Dorothea, in contrast, was not so much interested in the work, it wo uld simply be better to let it go. If I force myself into carrying on with the work, then I might end up messing it up since it is not what I am proud of doing. Step 2 The procedure that Dorothea would follow if she were to use Kant’s First Formulation theory would be to first find her husband’s motive or what is behind his motivation (Kant 437). For instance, she should ask herself why the husband wants her to carry on with his work yet he knows that she is not fully interested with the job. Secondly, Dorothea should picture an environment, which everybody is in such a situation. This would be much easier since not a majority of people would consider doing something they do not like. Thirdly, Dorothea should examine whether there would be any irrationality or contradictions in the environment she pictured the situation. It would be much easier to come up with the right decision when she knows whether or not her decision would affect others positively or negatively (Ka nt 437). Fourthly, if an irrationality of contradiction comes up, then performing towards the husband’s wishes is not permitted in the real world. Finally, if there is no irrationality of contradiction, then performing towards the husband’s wishes is allowed and needed. Probably, Dorothea would decline her husband’s wishes if she were to use the above described theory since it considers the individual self first then others. Step 3 The second formulation or, at times referred to as the Formula of the End in Itself, asserts that a rational human being should serve in every maxim as the state confining all simply relative and random ends. This is due to the nature of the state and also the end itself (Kant 450). The principle dictates that a person acts with reference to each and every rational human being so that it is an end in itself in the actor’s maxim. This means that the rational being is the grounds of all maxims of action. Therefore, they should ne ver be treated as only means, but as the supreme restricting circumstance in use in each and every situation (Kant 452). This means that human beings should be regarded as the ends at all times. With this in mind, it would be vital for Mr. Casaubon also to consider the consequences of his wishes before pleading with her to fulfill his wishes. If Mr. Casaubon truly thought of what his wife liked, then he could have known that his wife was not so much interested in his readings and especially carrying on with his work once he died. Step 4 Dorothea’s steps led her to agreeing to her husband’

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Behavioural Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Behavioural Finance - Essay Example In some mathematical conditions, this differential equation can be integrated to solve it as indifference curve through x which is called integrability problem (Newman, 1995). 6) Georgescu-Roegen proved that if we consider two goods where differential equation defining an indifferent element is always integrable, it is essential to consider that indifference is transitive relation that denotes that integral curves are indifferent curves. Georgecu proved that transitivity condition guarantees integrable differential equations in all dimensions. Therefore, integrability conditions are unnecessary. In economic terms, integral curves are meaningless unless Axiom I and II are adopted (Newman, 1995). (8, 9) By following Sauelsons techniques, Herman Wold claimed that demand-function approach is rationally equal to the ordinal preference approach. He asserted that Houthakkers theorem is same as his method of proof. However, an analysis of Wolds proof revealed his implicit assumption that his revealed preference is a transitive relation. Wold proved his point by using certain assumptions of perfect competition; however, it is impossible to do because Wold didnt define indifference (Newman, 1995). (10) Wolds integrability assumptions are obsolete because existence of a convex boundary curve comes from this implicit assumption of the transitivity of preference not from explicit assumptions of integrability. (11) Ville deduced the existence of a utility function through excellent analytic evidence. A reasonable interpretation of his axiom can lead to a relation that brings a complete weak ordering on the commodity space. However, his criterion for consumer as "worse off" is insufficient (Newman, 1995). (12) Integrability problem suddenly appears when commodity space has three goods while transitivity problem arises when three situations are considered. Therefore, it arises even when there is two-goods case. Littles treatment assumes

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Global Business Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Global Business - Coursework Example There are many benefits for global business; for example, credibility and discipline. In the business market there is so much competition that companies sell outside the country to increase their sales. Increasing globalization of business is requiring managers to have a global business perspective and an understanding of the differences in the environmental forces of the markets in which they operate. The global integration of markets of various products is altering the structure of many industries. Companies have become more specialized in their production and national industries have become more concentrated. Although the effects of economic integration are well known, how changing market structures are impacting upon the competitive behavior and strategic decision-making of firms is less well known. The Characteristics of three different market strategies used by aggressive foreign competitors is established by Donald Feaver. The paper also considers how domestic firms might resp ond to the import competition under different conditions. An empirical model investigating the three import strategies is presented that seeks to identify distinguishing characteristics of the aggressive market entry strategies. The identification of key characteristics provides useful insight into how the domestic firm may best respond to either defend market share or maintain profitability. (Feaver, D. 2010). The model proves to be a great help in understanding a very crucial role of changing markets globally as markets keep on changing drastically every minute in the global business circumference. The business world has always relied on contractual agreements while conducting businesses. These contracts are very important as it contains a seal or sign of the business partner. But there are instances when the contracts are not fulfilled instead are nullified. The world of business ethics is an old discipline in most parts of the world, and in most of the cases, it is applied to th e everyday business world. Business ethics is a multi-faceted approach to honesty, integrity and straight-forwardness in the cooperative world. When business is done globally, business ethics play a crucial role as a business entrepreneur not only represents himself globally but also reflects this country of origin and residence. Hence, erroneous business terms or breaking of any ethics can prove to be a negative point in the global business world. The concept of the dark side of entrepreneurship was introduced by de Vries (1985). While entrepreneurship is normally considered as something positive, Petter Gottschalk in his paper considers the dark sides of it. His conceptual research paper applies entrepreneurship literature to generate new insights into entrepreneurship in organized crime and entrepreneurs in criminal organizations. Entrepreneurial opportunities can be exploited in a variety of ways, depending on strategy and available resources. As organized crime is growing local ly as well as globally, law enforcement agencies need to develop their understanding of strategic criminal entrepreneurship. Based on this perspective, the darker side of entrepreneurship needs to be further explored within the business sector in the global perspective in future research. Petter Gottschalk in his paper has concluded that innovation and learning can be found in both legal and illegal enterprises. A learning organization is one that changes as a result of its

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Organisational Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Organisational Behaviour - Essay Example Organisational Behaviour is a vast subject, catering to studies pertaining to employees; their motivation strategies, their productivity, their dedication to the organisation they work in, their emotional complexities, the role of workplace environment and peers. Indeed Organisational Behaviour is a detailed research-based subject for determining the factors influencing workplace settings and employees and how to increase their productivity. Hence, for organisational welfare, the knowledge of organizational behavior is unquestionably important. Traditional Organisational Behaviour theories, or initial theories, had been sufficient to cater to the traditional organisational settings. Originally, before the technological advent of computers and the never ending internet connectivity, organisations meant a workplace divided into numerous cubicles with the employees milling about their regular office chores, only leaving their cubicles during lunchtime, and at times working overtime thro ugh the night in their respective offices. Supervision was generally done by observing the employee performance through the tinted cubicle glasses, providing assistance and motivation on spot. However, with rapid technological advancements in the form of software developments and easily available internet connectivity, the typical meaning of â€Å"organisation† and â€Å"workplace† has also evolved. now defines ‘organisation’ as â€Å"a business or administrative concern united and constructed for a particular end†, with no reference to the physical aspect of the organisation. Technological advancements has made â€Å"work-from-home† possible, just as â€Å"carrying office around† is possible due to the development of gadgets. People do not spend night time working in offices, and most organisations do not have an office space for all their employees – â€Å"working at a distance† has gained popularity as a part of increasing efficiency and cost-cutting strategies of all businesses. This has posed significant challenges to the traditional organisational behaviour theories, posing contemporary issues evolved due to the change in work environments. Firstly, due to technological developments, work can hardly be uniquely distinguished from life. Organisations have undergone immense structural reforms like de-layering, outsourcing, atomisation, casualisation, horizontal linkages, devolution etc. (Murray, Poole & Jones, 2006, p.18-19). Each of these reformations have caused a change in organisational and employees’ behaviour and hence posed challenges to the organisational behaviour theories. De-layering implies the elimination of middle level management due to technical support, flattening the organisational structure of hierarchy and increasing lower level management coordination directly with the top-level management (Murray, Poole & Jones, 2006, p.18-19). Traditionally, middle le vel managers have served the purpose of buffering the communication between the upper and lower levels of management. Outsourcing implies part of an organisation’s value chain being produced by other organisation collaboratively (Murray, Poole & Jones, 2006, p.18-19). This phenomenon has recently spring to light after the worldwide economic crisis

Commentary on the eco friendly shoes Essay Example for Free

Commentary on the eco friendly shoes Essay Blackspot Sneaker and Nike considered. The best way to have the biggest share of the market is not really by advertisements or sweet talks; it can only be done by the use of economic friendly products. The product that every Tom, Dick and Harry would be able to afford without going for a loan. Commenting on the economic friendly shoes of Blackspot and Nike, apart from producing a user friendly shoes, they also put other factors into consideration and it is in view of this that made them dominate the shoe industry. Why will a buyer purchase a pair of shoe for the same price he/she can purchase 3 pairs? Since those two companies put the end users into thought by producing shoes that would be durable, cheap and firm, they have been able to control the target market and every advertisement rolled out to the audience is accepted as a contract or agreement to purchase a pair or more of the advertised shoes and this has really increased their sales not for a particular manufactured shoes but all shoes on which Kalle Lasn or Nike is written on.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In an excerpts from Blackspot website,   Kalle Lasn, CEO, Blackspot, said â€Å"all shoes manufactured by Blackspot are earth friendly, anti sweatshop, cruelty free and prograssroots   and he ended it by saying that Blackspots are the only rough and ready shoes that has the ability to beat NIKE†. When a shoe company comes out with a good product, and at the same time a relatively cheap product, it is very certain that the demand will be higher than the supply because everybody will like to be seen with the product on his feet. As this increases, the shoe company will continue to make name and refrain other competitors from coming to the market scene.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Conclusively, it could be seen that the society has really impacted in the advertisement and sales of eco friendly shoe producers because without the society there would be no turnover.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Economic progress in Russia in the years 1981-1982 Essay Example for Free

Economic progress in Russia in the years 1981-1982 Essay Despite frequent changes in policy, Russian and Soviet governments were spectacularly unsuccessful in securing sustained economic progress in the years 1881-1982’. Assess the validity of this statement. Between 1981 and 1982, Russia underwent huge changes, particularly the in economy. Russian history is well known for its frequent changes in policy as the country faced revolutions, changes in regime, changes in leadership and not to mention its involvement in various conflicts. As a result, Russia’s economic policy was subject to major change apart from three key areas, industry, agriculture and the tertiary sector. These three areas of the economy remained a constant in its ever changing climate; however, many historians still argue that Russia’s economy was unsuccessful and poorly managed despite its frequent change in policy. Thus begs the question, ‘To what extent is this true?’ The Tsarist regime, for many Russians, was a period of economic instability as agriculture was seen as a secondary concern. Growth rate was not structured and growth rate fell considerably between the late 1890’s and 1905.[1] Meanwhile, other economies expanded leaving Russia struggling to catch up and some historians see agriculture as a reason for Russia’s economic decline. For example, Carol. S. Leonard argued that Russia’s grain production per capita GDP was lagged far behind that of America in 1913.[2] This argument shows how agriculture in Tsarist Russia wasn’t dealt with effectively and as a result, the economy suffered. On the other hand, some historians have pointed out that agriculture in Russia during the late Tsarist years were not so destructive. One argument maintains that actually, Russia’s agriculture grew and developed quite substantially pre- revolution. For example; from 1890 to 1913, cereal production per capita increased by 35%[3]. Although this evidence is hard to ignore, it is also difficult to turn a blind eye to the contrasting evidence which suggests that agriculture suffered under the late Tsarist regime and consequently, affected the economy as a whole. For example: â€Å"There was very little investment in agriculture in Imperial Russia and this lead to small yields and economic volatility when prices rose and fell†¦lack of investment in agriculture frequently caused grain prices to rise which caused famines†[4] Overall, although agriculture grew slightly during the Tsarist regime, ultimately it suffered greatly as did the Russian people. Looking at agriculture alone, Russia’s economy looked bleak however; industry had slightly more success during this time so perhaps the economy was not so bad after all. S J Lee puts forward a simple statement: â€Å"The periods of most rapid growth were in the reign of Nicholas II (1894-1917) as a result of the economic reforms of Sergei Witte (1892-1903)†[5]. This is easy to see, when one considers that in 1914, Russia produced 35 million tons of coal, ranking Russia fifth amongst the main producers.[6] Building on Lee’s argument, there seems to be a lot of evidence pointing to Sergei Witte as the main reason for Russia’s industrial boom. Upon taking office, Witte raised massive amounts of capital by securing a loan from France and raising taxes and tariffs and interest rates.[7] However, it is the development of Russian railways which Witte is perhaps most remembered for. Under his guidance the railway network grew from around thirty one thousand km to around fifty three km worth of track.[8] With Witte at the helm, Russia’s industry continued to develop with growth rates comparing well next to those of the United States and Germany. Witte has often been credited with modernizing Russia to such a great extent that its industrial boom continued long after he left his post as Finance Minister in 1903. For example, in 1913, Russia’s steel production stood at 4.9 million metric tons next to France’s 4.7 million, with coal and iron not far behind.[9] On the other hand, Witte’s industrialization policies were not always so successful. For example, between 1890 and 1899, Russia’s industrial growth stood at 8.0% whereas between 1900-06, it reduced to 1.4%[10]. His aims of modernizing came with a heavy cost and it was consumers who had to pay the price. Taxes were raised but only for the lower classes, indeed the wealthier classes were spared from taxation although their money was needed for private capital. Tariffs also caused problems as, although they protected Russian industry, they added to the cost of living.[11] Whatsmore, although some historians have credited Witte’s decision to seek loans from foreign investors, some remain critical. This is because the interest added to the loans had to be paid in a secure medium meaning, in order to pay off their debts, Russia was forced to export grain regularly, including during the famine of 1891.[12] Overall, although Witte made huge strides in modernizing the Russian economy, he was not entirely faultless. Industry picked up, but there were still issues and it was the common man who had to pay. The economy still suffered, although, arguably, not as much as it would have done without Witte. However, the tertiary sector also contributed to the economy. Although some historians critique Russia’s dependence of Western investors, these ties had corresponding benefits in the shape of trade. [13] Business also boomed within Russia with eight large banks emerging in 1899 which owned more than half the total bank capital. This provided free access for foreign capital, controlling important branches of the Russian economy, including the fuel and metallurgical industries. [14] Moreover, according to Robert Service, domestic industrialists and banks were thriving too.[15] This argument can be supported by the growth in towns and cities between 1897 and 1914. For example; the population in St Petersburg grew from 1’300 thousand (1987) to 2’100 thousand (1914)[16]. This shows that the economic growth had a positive impact on society and the country was doing well under the Tsarist regime. However, although to the naked eye Russia seemed to be doing well, their growth wasn’t so great. Compared to the other Great powers of the period, Russia was lagging far behind. Between 1894 and 1913, Austria-Hungary had a 79% increase in national income whereas Russia was lagging far behind with only a 50% increase[17]. This clearly demonstrates that Russia’s overall situation was not so great and actually, Russian people did suffer. When Lenin came to power in 1917, he brought with him a change in regime and economic policy including the introduction of war communism. War communism aimed to socialize the economy through state involvement. Rural areas were subjected to grain requisition which was forcibly removed by the military.[18] This inevitably was unpopular and caused much suffering and peasants who stored their crops were often wrongfully prosecuted. It was not just agriculture which suffered. Factories were nationalized by November 1920 and were geared towards war production.[19] Additionally, private trade was banned and rationing was introduced on consumer goods including food and clothing. War communism was, effectively a self destructive policy. Grain requisitioning meant more than three million people died of starvation by late 1922.[20] Moreover, money lost its value and people got by through a system of barter. Inflation shot up and multiplied 1917 costs by four million in 1922. Additionally, in comparison to the growth in city population during the Tsarist regime, people fled the cities. For example; in December 1920 the population in Petrograd fell by 57.5%[21] Lenin knew that it was time for a change. War communism caused more harm then good so Lenin came up with an alternative, the ‘New Economic Policy’ (NEP). Peasants were allowed to sell grain for profit and they paid tax on what they produced rather than giving it up[22]. Things also changed industrially and in the tertiary sector. Businessmen could own small or medium sized businesses however large firms were still state owned.[23] The NEP basically gave the people of Russia freedom and Lenin hoped that it would boost economic growth as well. However, in 1924, Lenin died and Stalin came to power. Stalin also brought new ideas and his own ways of modernizing the economy. In November 1927, Stalin introduced his policies of industrialisation and collectivisation with the aim of modernising the economy. They were supported by a series of five year plans, the first (1928-32) aimed to improve living standards and the second (1933-37) and third (1938-41) aimed to highlight and thus, amend, Russia’s weaknesses[24]. Industrialisation was relatively successful as by the late 1930’s many workers conditions had improved and they had acquired better paid jobs and unemployment was almost non-existent. Accounts from the time support this view: â€Å"Good progress was made†¦4’500 new factories, plants, mines and power stations were commissioned, three times as many as the first Five-Year period’[25]. On the other hand, industrialisation was harsh and lateness for work often led to employees getting the sack. Many prisoners also paid the price by working on the grand engineering projects and working in appalling and dangerous conditions. For example; around 100’000 workers died building the Belmor Canal[26]. Collectivisation was ultimately unsuccessful and peasants were in a worse position than ever before. The concept of sharing farms and thus, sharing salary meant there wasn’t enough money to go around and crop production fell too. For example: â€Å"†¦Grain shortages, combined with continued forced procurements, led to rural famine†¦Ã¢â‚¬ [27] However, some people benefitted from collectivisation such as Bertha Malnick: â€Å"We have more than 600 hectares†¦our farmers have built 70 new houses for themselves during the last few years†¦Ã¢â‚¬ [28]. However, it is reasonable to conclude overall that collectivisation was unsuccessful given the various sources which provide figures of those who died or badly suffered during Stalin’s reign. Stalin died in 1953 and Khrushchev took over. Khrushchev focused on DeStalinisation, distancing the USSR as far away from Stalin as possible. Khrushchev was keen to adopt a different economic policy with the aim of building on the country’s previous economic growth and amending its weaknesses and one way he did this was by abandoning the five year plans and starting a new, seven year plan (1959-65) which aimed to take advantage of newly discovered mineral resources and fit in with industry[29]. Khrushchev pumped a lot of money into agriculture and overall 40% of investment was put into the neglected eastern regions of the USSR[30]. However, the seven year plan had similar flaws to the previous five year plans such as mistakes in resource distribution. Living standards got worse, the opposite to what Khrushchev had hoped to achieve. For example; only five in one thousand citizens owned a car and in 1963, the USSR was forced to import grain from the capitalist west to compensate shortages.[31] There were successes during this time such as the rise in foreign trade however this can’t compensate for the huge failures experienced during this time. Khrushchev made an honest attempt to improve the economy however his plans backfired and once again the country was left to clean up an economic mess. Eventually, Khrushchev was removed from power and in his place came Brezhnev who did little to change the economy. The era of Brezhnev has often been described as ‘a period of economic stagnation’ but some historians believe that this is not fair. Like Khrushchev, Brezhnev wanted to focus on improving agriculture and living standards in Russia. Historians Gwyneth Hughes and Simon Welfare support this view saying: â€Å"†¦After the terror of Stalin’s reign and the chaos of Khrushchev’s, the Soviet Union was in for a period of stability, and that meant everyone kept their job and their perks for life.†[32] Brezhnev allowed farmers to work on state own plots which motivated them to produce as much as possible in order to sell the surplus[33]. This, in theory, should have been beneficial and shows that Brezhnev was trying to improve the economy through new methods however, he was not so lucky. In 1975, the USSR suffered another poor harvest meaning Brezhnev had to increase foreign exports to keep everyone fed. This was just another disaster in Russia but Brezhnev did little to help. His aim to improve agriculture and living standards meant he neglected industry and production rates continued to rapidly fall[34]. However, arguably his biggest flaw was his inability to change the already ridged economy. Brezhnev had new ideas but couldn’t fight the system and by the end of his reign, Russia had made little improvement. Historian Dmitri Volkognov best sums up the Brezhnev period saying: â€Å"If Lenin and Stalin, and to some extent even Khrushchev, were able to enliven the moribund ideology of Communism, it was quite beyond Brezhnev†¦Ã¢â‚¬ [35]. In conclusion, between 1881 and 1982, Russia experienced much hardship especially surrounding the economy. After analyzing this one hundred year period it is hard to deny that the statement ‘Despite frequent changes in policy, Russian and Soviet governments were spectacularly unsuccessful in securing sustained economic progress in the years 1881-1992’. The economy under the Tsarist regime had its faults and during and after the 1917 revolution, it was widely believed that the country’s economic situation would improve. However, from Lenin to Stalin and Khrushchev to Brezhnev, it seemed that no leader was able to sustain a long-lasting and successful economic policy. The economy grew as quickly as it declined and it has taken many years to make any significant progress since. Therefore, this statement is valid. ________________ [1] Heinemann Advanced History: The Modernisation of Russia 1856-1985 [2] Agricultural Productivity Growth in Russia 1861-1913. From Inertia to Ferment by Carol. S. Leonard [3] The Penguin History of Modern Russia by Robert Service [4] [5] Overview from Russia and the USSR: Autocracy and Dictatorship (questions and answers in History) by Stephen. J. Lee [6] Stephen J Lee [7] [8] The Industrialisation of Russia by M. Falkus [9] [10] M. Falkus [11] A2 History OCR: A Russia and its Rulers 1855-1964 [12] A2 History OCR [13] S. J Lee [14] A History of the USSR [15] Penguin History of Modern Russia [16] M. Falkus [17] The Making of the Revolution, 1881-1905 [18] From Years of Russia and the USSR, 1851-1991 by Evans and Jenkins [19] Evans and Jenkins [20] The Russian Revolutions 1914-1924 [21] Evans and Jenkins [22] The USSR, Germany and the USA between the wars [23] Russia and the USSR 1905-1941 [24] The USSR, Germany and Russia between the wars [25] A Soviet view of the second five year plan from History of the USSR by Y. Kukushkin [26] Stalin and the Soviet Economy [27] European History 1848-1945 by T.A Morris [28] Everyday Life in Russia by Bertha Malnick [29] AQA A2 History Triumph and Collapse: Russia and the USSR 1941-1991 by John Laver Sally Waller [30] Russia 1855- 1964 Flagship History by D. Murray and T. Morris [31] The Soviet Economy 1917-80 by S J Lee [32] Red Empire. The Forbidden History of the USSR by G. Hughes and S. Welfare [33] [34] Years of Russia and the USSR, 1851-1991 [35] The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Empire by D.Volkognov

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Customer Service Analysis Of Easyjet And Ryanair Tourism Essay

Customer Service Analysis Of Easyjet And Ryanair Tourism Essay In reality, an industrys set of characteristics define its own success factors. Different industries will thus have different success factors. In service industry, however, cost and customer service are the major factors that companies compete for. With cost the firm aims to create added value by delivering same benefits as its competitors, but at a lower cost. Customer service is to deliver great service to exceed their expectations. It is the service experience that builds reputations and expands business, or destroys reputations and contracts business (85words). In airline industry, customers demand varies. In the past, most customers travelled in luxury airplanes. British Airlines (BA) is a good example. BA provides great services and travellers had no choice to pay high cost. Today, definition of airline has been changed with the presence of low fare carriers. Air travel is no longer luxury and everyone now can fly at affordable price. The key objective of low fare carriers is to reach the market at a lower cost and to provide the services to large segment. EasyJet and Ryaniar are two top low fare carriers in Europe with different operation strategies. Traveller who look for low price and if comfy is not a factor, Ryanair could be a good choice. Traveller who is in budget and looking for convenience, EasyJet is the best choice. Low fare is a distinct order qualifier in low cost airline industry. EasyJet is the second largest low fare airline service provider behind Ryanair, expanding rapidly since its establishment in 1995. Operating from its Luton headquarters, it carries around 40 million a year with a growing fleet of over 180 aircrafts. Today, EasyJet employed over 7,300 people and flies to over 500 routes including to European, North African, and West Asian countries. (207words) Task 3 Travellers are attracted to different attributes, termed as performance objectives. Travellers with budget control will likely to use either EasyJet or Ryanair; both offer a competitive low price. Ryanair claim an average  £34 per 600km, EasyJet claim  £45. EasyJet is not as cheap as Ryanairs, but travellers have an option to travel at different times on the same day. EasyJets options are more visible and easier to understand compared to Ryanair. However, cost is not only the basis they can compete. This brings to another objective, dependability. EasyJet flies to both primary and secondary airport with high frequency. Flying to main airport is to provide convenience, secondary airport to avoid delays, high turnaround and cut operating cost, and high frequency per day is to enable travellers to choose suitable scheduled flight and load more passengers. Ryanair only flies to secondary airport to keep cost low with minimum flight frequency. Following this is flexibility. In theory, it refers to the ability of EasyJet to offer a wide variety of services to their passengers. With the increasing demand of business travellers who are under budget control, EasyJet is the right option who serves the market with quality services. EasyJet is now serving both, leisure and business travellers, which Ryanair do not have. Low cost, high dependability and flexibility in providing their services are the main competitive factors identified in this study. To differentiate EasyJet further, EasyJet is good in innovation. Corporate customers are now for the first time able to view and make reservation through Global Distribution Systems (GDS), With such service, there is no change to either EasyJet`s business model or its unique pricing structure. Unlike Ryanair, they innovate their service to cut operating cost but at the same time to charge every single service offered to their passengers. The different the way they innovate their services can distinctly distinguished between the two. Innovation is the EasyJets order winner.(319words) Task 4 From the above, EasyJet has their own competitive factors over their main contender, Ryanair. However, EasyJet values in no frills, care and convenience, low cost concept and to keeping costs low requires high assets utilization and high efficiency in every parts of their operation. There is no reason for travellers not to use EasyJet as their main carrier. (58words) Task 5 In theory, innovation is any new idea or getting ideas from already existing ones and redesigns it to make it work better. It is what keeps EasyJet moving forward and to succeed in its competitive environment. Speedy Boarding Plus is the latest EasyJet innovation to give their customers more choice and flexibility. This new facility builds on the success not only providing passengers with the opportunity to board a flight first and have a wider choice of seats but also offer them a dedicated check-in area compared with Ryanair innovation to cut cost without considering their passengers convenience. This could be seen in their plans to cut costs by making fliers perch on stools with seatbelts around their waists. Ryanair wants passengers to stand onboard so the budget airline can squeeze more people. EasyJet aimed to offer more convenience to passengers while keeping the cost as low as possible. EasyJets innovative deal with Business Travel International (BTI), which is a leading travel management company, will give access to their booking inventory and certain back-office systems. This will help increase EasyJet`s penetration into the lucrative corporate travel market. Also, the innovation of a new technology called AVOID (Airborne Volcanic Object Identifier and Detector) which would be mounted on a planes tail fin, will allow pilots to detect dangerously high levels of ash and to avoid violent thunderstorms. This new technology will prevent a repetition of the blanket bans on airspace that brought havoc to millions of passengers across Europe in March and April. (272words) Task 6 Low cost Leadership Strategy EasyJet is adopting a low cost leadership strategy a strategy that allows them to provide services at low price than their competitors. This was identified as EasyJets order qualifier. Low cost concept can be derived from high asset utilization and high operating efficiency (Figure). At EasyJet, the aircraft flies 11 hours a day, four hours longer than BA while the pilots fly 900 hours a year, same as Ryanair, but 50% more than British Airways. EasyJet provide convenience to its customer through direct sales of ticket through the company website, This gives their known consumers no hesitation about booking online and choice is offered 24 hours a day, seven days a week and reductions are offered for booking on the web. Passengers are also given the best fare available on each flight which is quoted one way. This means that the best price for the most convenient flight can be obtained both ways, optimizing the round trip cost for the passenger. This compared with the inflexible pricing and ticketing structures offered by conventional airlines. (223words) Supply Chain It is also identified that EasyJet is adopting a bidirectional supply chain as well as outsourcing strategy (Figure ) in their attempt to cut cost. EasyJet acts as an agent to travellers while outsourced many of its services and goods from suppliers. Services such as aircraft maintenance is oversee by SR Technics, Network Infrastructure to enable the online booking is managed by Alfred McAlpine, and In-flight magazine is provided by Ink Company. Gate Gourmet is responsible for the supply of all food for onboard purchase, duty free products, and crew meals. Both bidirectional and outsourcing strategies helped EasyJet to focus on their core operation and help them to cut their cost.(111words) Quality Service EasyJet make use of value-based approach to quality in terms of cost and customer service. Customers may accept low quality service for a lower price compared to BA where customers are offered great quality service for a higher price. EasyJet offers quality service to its customers by targeting both leisure and business travellers. At EasyJet, the checked in baggage charge is slightly higher than Ryanairs, at  £22, but travellers are allowed 20 kilos of baggage. In addition, EasyJet has no specific weight for hand luggage. EasyJet also charge a booking fee, but this is per booking, rather than per person, as in the case of Ryanair. As for business travellers, they are allowed to check-in and board earlier without charge. Ryanair do not offer such services. At EasyJet, online check-in is also available to all travellers with no fee but Ryanair charged  £5 per traveller. More business services are summarized in table __. (153words)

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Trauma Victim in the Emergency Room Essays -- Descriptive Essay Example

The day started like any other. Quiet, but with an underlying vibration waiting to explode. Freshly brewed coffee and the sharp smell of disinfectant mixed in the air like a foreign perfume. Uniformed staff busied themselves with paperwork while waiting for the moment we all knew would come with the lunch hour approaching. It was a typical morning in the emergency room of Presby Plano. We were all standing around, relaxed, discussing our previous weekend adventures. As the call came over the radio we swiftly took our places in expectation of what was to come. A construction worker was hit in the head with a 500-pound slab of granite swinging from a crane. The crane operator didn’t see him as he moved that solid piece of rock from one point to the next. The soft rustle of protective gear being put on over scrubs filled the room as we methodically dressed for the trauma that was about to roll through the door. We tied masks with eye shields around our heads as carts wheeled past into the room in which we would perform our heroic duties. â€Å"ETA, one minute.†, the radio crackled. We calmly looked at each other with the look of serious determination running across our faces, we shot each other glances that said, â€Å"We can make this right.† Lights swirled in the courtyard as we shuffled toward the rough sound of the ambulance’s motor. Doors swung open as patient history supplied by the EMT resonated over the sound of the truck. We parted like the waves of the Red Sea to let the gurney wheel by into the trauma room. A calmness floated in the air as if giving cognitive reasoning a resounding voice. We assembled quickly and stood in our positions. I was only a volunteer, only there to observe, yet I was thrown quickly into the ... ...e a jack hammer, catching a few of us off guard. Sterile water spewed from the spout of the irrigation device onto the skull of the hurt man. After a few minutes, the wound was clean and the bleeding controlled. Staples were clamped onto his head, closing the once gaping hole. The doctor left the trauma room, leaving us to pick the bits of tissue from the hair that remained on the man's head. The two of us remaining gathered around his head and proceeded to snag the soft gobs of pink flesh from his hair as gently as possible, so as not to disturb our newly finished work. He was taken to another room to recover as we left the scene of the previous mayhem. Staff congratulated me on a job well done, as this was my first trauma. I felt proud and alive, I knew this was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I will never forget that moment realization hit home. Trauma Victim in the Emergency Room Essays -- Descriptive Essay Example The day started like any other. Quiet, but with an underlying vibration waiting to explode. Freshly brewed coffee and the sharp smell of disinfectant mixed in the air like a foreign perfume. Uniformed staff busied themselves with paperwork while waiting for the moment we all knew would come with the lunch hour approaching. It was a typical morning in the emergency room of Presby Plano. We were all standing around, relaxed, discussing our previous weekend adventures. As the call came over the radio we swiftly took our places in expectation of what was to come. A construction worker was hit in the head with a 500-pound slab of granite swinging from a crane. The crane operator didn’t see him as he moved that solid piece of rock from one point to the next. The soft rustle of protective gear being put on over scrubs filled the room as we methodically dressed for the trauma that was about to roll through the door. We tied masks with eye shields around our heads as carts wheeled past into the room in which we would perform our heroic duties. â€Å"ETA, one minute.†, the radio crackled. We calmly looked at each other with the look of serious determination running across our faces, we shot each other glances that said, â€Å"We can make this right.† Lights swirled in the courtyard as we shuffled toward the rough sound of the ambulance’s motor. Doors swung open as patient history supplied by the EMT resonated over the sound of the truck. We parted like the waves of the Red Sea to let the gurney wheel by into the trauma room. A calmness floated in the air as if giving cognitive reasoning a resounding voice. We assembled quickly and stood in our positions. I was only a volunteer, only there to observe, yet I was thrown quickly into the ... ...e a jack hammer, catching a few of us off guard. Sterile water spewed from the spout of the irrigation device onto the skull of the hurt man. After a few minutes, the wound was clean and the bleeding controlled. Staples were clamped onto his head, closing the once gaping hole. The doctor left the trauma room, leaving us to pick the bits of tissue from the hair that remained on the man's head. The two of us remaining gathered around his head and proceeded to snag the soft gobs of pink flesh from his hair as gently as possible, so as not to disturb our newly finished work. He was taken to another room to recover as we left the scene of the previous mayhem. Staff congratulated me on a job well done, as this was my first trauma. I felt proud and alive, I knew this was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I will never forget that moment realization hit home.

Terrorism - Its Time to Stop the War :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics

It's Time to Stop the War Military measures intended to support the arrest of a terrorist have turned into a large-scale attack on several of the poorest countries in the world, as well as on their populations, which is tormented by hunger and poverty and threatened by uprooting and death. As little as the gap between rich and poor in the world was the cause of the murderous attack on Sept.11, all the more are the attacks against Afghanistan and the Philippines are deepening this gap and thereby multiplying reasons to hate the West and its civilization. In the future the West will be less identified with its best qualities, with democracy, a constitutional order and prosperity than with its shadowy sides, with a lack of respect, arbitrary acts and violence. With every bomb that falls and every western soldier who kills on Afghan soil, the rich part of this world closes its eyes to the suffering of the peoples in the south. Even the apparent successes presently do not change this. With its offensive the West is not only undermining the idea of a collective legal effort to counteract terror, but is also betraying its own principles. In the final analysis this undeclared war is no longer being waged to combat terrorism but rather to preserve a reputation of military invincibility. Finally, with every day that war is waged there and with every new security law passed here (in the western world) , that very freedom which is supposedly being defended is threatened and those refugees, who are the products of this military action and its consequences, are marginalized. On September 11, not only did thousands of people suffer an agonizing death, but even western civilization suffered a defeat. Those murdered in the attack will not be restored to life through the war against the Taliban.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Journey Home: What Makes a Hero Essay -- Essays Papers

The Journey Home: What Makes a Hero What constitutes an epic story? Certainly, literary expectations have come to define a story as a series of events revolving around one or more characters. An epic, however, must possess one attribute that a story may or may not contain; a hero. The Odyssey is an epic and therefore, it does contain a hero and perhaps even more than one. A hero cannot simply just exist, though, he or she must be shaped into the role through a series of adventures and misadventures that help the reader sympathize and identify with the hero’s progress towards a specific goal. The Odyssey proves no exception as the hero Odysseus’ ultimate goal of returning home to his beloved Ithaca is hindered by a sequence of events that create the story. Although his own contribution to delaying his return home must not be overlooked, it is primarily the desire of the gods which greatly affects Odysseus progress towards Ithaca. Although not as prominent as the roles of the Gods, Odysseus’ own actions do impact his journey home, even if it is only negatively. Odysseus is a proud man and at numerous points during The Odyssey his ego derails efforts to return to Ithaca. Perhaps this is clearest when Odysseus and his men land upon the island of Aeaea. Home to the beautiful goddess Circe, Odysseus and his men are initially oblivious to the perils of the enchanting island. After a band of Odysseus’ men are tricked and turned into pigs by the goddess, though, Odysseus is warned of a similar fate and subsequently confronts and threatens to kill the goddess. Instead, however, Circe begs to lie with Odysseus and even swears an oath insisting there is no more hidden mischief in store for Odysseus and his crew. While... ...the hero of an epic, to be brimming with anything less than intense pride. Part of what breeds a hero is confidence so one cannot fault Odysseus for having faith in his own abilities. The negative and positive influences of the gods, though, are vastly superior as they truly dictate the epic. Whether it is Poseidon’s fury, Zeus’ wisdom or Athene’s lure to Odysseus, there is absolutely no question the god’s overwhelming substantial impact upon the tale is leaves the deepest imprint upon the reader. Works Cited - Homer. The Odyssey. London: The Penguin Group, 2003. - Nelson, Christopher B. "Homer and the Power of Men That Have Chests." New Criteriorn November 2003. 27 January 2004 < - Sellar, Tom. "Homer's Homecoming." American Theatre September 2003. 26 January 2004 <>.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Affect the Daily Lives of Elderly

â€Å"I’ve fallen and can’t get up! † How many times have you heard and laughed at that expression? Although there are countless jokes to go along with aging, the fact is the age process brings about numerous bodily changes that can affect the lives of older adults. With such a large span of changes that may happen, not all elderly people have the same changes. This is called probabilistic aging (changes that may happen to some, but not all people as they grow older). The majority of aging changes not only cause physical disability, but mental and social setbacks as well.The ones that have the largest effects of the quality of daily life in the elderly are the loss of bone density, kidney dysfunctions, and hypertension. As we progress through the years, our bones begin to decrease in density. We all lose some bone mass as we age and it reaches its peak between the ages of 25 and 35. Our bones lose calcium and other minerals and become more porous, lighter, and le ss dense. The loss of density causes our bones to become weak and possibly break. There are many different stages to bone loss, but osteoporosis is the most debilitating.It is most commonly found in women over the age of 60 when their bones begin to break and can even cause hip and spinal fractures. In women who have experienced menopause, they can use hormone therapy to help increase bone density. Through calcium and vitamin D supplements as well as exercise (weight lifting and walking), we can also increase our bone density. Of course, the earlier we start, the healthier our bones will be when we get older. Another common ailment is kidney disease. Our kidneys have the job of removing waste from the bloodstream.As we age and have chronic conditions like: diabetes or high blood pressure, damage can be done to our urinary tract and kidneys. When poisons and toxins are not being eliminated properly, problems can range from fatigue and frequent urination to incontinence (loss of bladd er control) and the need for dialysis (blood is cleaned out) may occur. The most extreme cases would require kidney transplants. Reducing the intake of sugar and carbohydrates, maintaining a low cholesterol and fat diet, as well as drinking plenty of fluids is what doctors suggest to avoid these types of problems.The third and most significant bodily change as we age is hypertension or high blood pressure. It is a silent change that is linked to various other diseases and is the most deadly. Hypertension is caused by fatty deposits that form on the walls of the heart vessels known as atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). The body receives blood through arteries pumped by the heart muscles. This blood carries oxygen, carbon dioxide and nutrients to the necessary areas in the body. If there are fatty deposits on the walls of the vessels, it impedes the blood flow, resulting in the heart working harder to push the blood through blocked arteries.The effect is an elevated blood pr essure reading medically known as hypertension. Stress is one of the main causes of hypertension which is directly linked to overeating, smoking, and drinking. Research indicates that cold weather can be related to high blood pressure in older people because it is related to stress. Without treatment, it increases the risk of kidney disease, erectile dysfunction, eye problems, diabetes and more importantly heart disease and stroke which can be fatal. A proper diet, exercise and healthy choices are necessary to decrease the fatty deposits in our blood vessels.All of these bodily changes can cause some form of physical disability which in turn can cause emotional and social problems as well. When a physical body change occurs, the elderly may become depressed because they may need to rely of others to help them. They also may avoid social situations because they are uncomfortable, in pain, or have a level of embarrassment due to their disability. Although biological aging cannot be av oided, there often are many ways to prevent some of the probabilistic changes from happening or be less debilitating.A common thread found throughout the bodily changes is many of them can be avertable with a healthy lifestyle change of a proper diet and exercise. So get wiser with age by seeing a doctor regularly and begin your lifestyle changes to ensure an enjoyable aging process. Works Cited Aging. (Last modified March 21, 2009. ) In Wikipedia Online. Retrieved March 21, 2009 from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Aging Bone Mineral Density. (2005-2009) WebMD. Retrieved on March 21, 2009 from http://www. Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). (2009. ) National Kidney Foundation. Retreived on March 21, 2009 from http://www. kidney. org/kidneydisease/ckd/index. cfm Hypertension/High Blood Pressure Guide (2005-2009). WebMD. Retrieved on March 20, 2009 from http://www. webmd. com/hypertension-high-blood-pressure/ Warner, J. (January 12, 2009). WebMD. High Blood Pressure Climbs in Winter. http://www. webmd. com/hypertension-high-blood-pressure/news/20090112/high-blood- pressure-climbs-in-winter

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

“Nineteen Eighty-Four” by George Orwell Essay

cardinal cardinal is George Orwells unswervingly grim vision of a dystopian future. The author always intend it as more state of warning than prophecy, so that even though its title go steady has passed, its lessons slightly the dangers of con urinateity, mental coercion, and verbal pretence retain their validity and relevance. The novel depicts a humanity divided into three totalistic superpowers that argon constantly at war with matchless a nonher Oceania, dominated by the former United States Eurasia, dominated by Western Europe and Eastasia, dominated by China and Japan.Since the novel belongs to the genre of the dystopia, a negative Utopia, overmuch of its content is ineluctably involved in describing Oceanian societynot exactly in the features of its e rattlingday life, much of which reflects British life in 1948 (a social class whose inverted numbers may shed suggested the novels title), but withal in detailed explanations of the historical origins of Ingsoc and Oceania, as well as its official delivery, newlyspeak. handlingA key ingredient in this chilling documentation of eroding world license is its depiction of a pervert language, Newspeak, Orwells brilliant rendering of that degenerate language of politicians and sophists which hides rather then reveals truth. (Orwell, 19) Orwell, rather clumsily in the view of around critics, gives much of this information in the form of a book-within-a-book, the supposed handbook of the revolutionaries, and an vermiform appendix to the novel itself about Newspeak.The purpose of Newspeak was to drastically reduce the number of words in the English language in graze to eliminate ideas that were deemed dangerous and, most importantly, refractory to the totalitarian dictator, Big Brother and the ships company. purpose crime, the mere act of thinking about ideas like Freedom or Revolution, was punishable by torture and brainwashing. Newspeak was the sinister answer. A character in 1984 des cribes it succinctly Do not you see that the whole civilize of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought?In the end, we shall make thought crime literally im thinkable because there exit be no words in which to indicate it. The whole climate of thought go forth be different. In fact, there will be no thought as we understand it now. Is our real world today, at the beginning of the new millennium, so very different on a primeval level from what Orwell predicted? There crap been infinite refutations of the 1984 dystopia Totalitarianism is on the wane, Communism is dead, there is more prosperity, more community, more license than ever earlier.(Orwell, 37) Arguably, on a geo-political level, the international information economy has promoted the causes of peace and freedom, preventing potentially worse atrocities and repression in hotspots such as China and the Balkans. The bottom line is you have no freedom, no power, you feel no need or desire for freedom or power, and, w hats worse you do not even know that you do not have it. AnalysisCritics of any aspect along the political spectrum, no matter what their views about the validity of Orwells social analysis in Nineteen 84, agree on one thing Considered politically and historically, Nineteen Eighty-Four is one of the most important books of the ordinal century. The bleakness of its vision of a totalitarian society became a profound warning, and Orwells accuracy was attested by dissidents in Eastern Europe and Russia both before and after the dissolution of the Soviet pudding stone Orwell, said a Russian philosopher, mute the soul, or soullessness of Soviet life.Not only did the words Newspeak and doublethink enter the English language but Russians refer to the Novoyaz of Communist Party language. (Orwell, 67) Some critics have pointed out that another(prenominal) layer of meaning exists within the novel. They have-to doe with Orwells dissection of Oceanian society to his portrayal of his cast down and unhappy preparatory school days, which he discussed in his essay Such, Such Were the Joys (1952). late English boys were removed from the warmth and certification of their families, mini-societies governed by love and respect, and hurled into a world dominated by fear, repression, and an all-pervading sense of guilt. There, Orwell was wrapped not only in a hostile world but in a world of good and atrocious where the rules were such that it was actually not possible for me to keep them. In such a society, rebellion or even hold out becomes almost impossible, and even personal relationships are viewed with hostility and suspicion by the popular opinion class, that is, the masters and proprietors of the school.(Orwell, 81) Conclusion As a true anti-utopian novel, one in which the horrors of tyranny are amply illustrated, Nineteen Eighty-Four serves as a poignant monitoring device of the preciousness of free thought and an unclouded society and whatever the author has predicted in this novel has one way or the other turned out to be true.Works Cited Orwell, George (1949). Nineteen Eighty-Four. New York Harcourt, Brace & Co. pg 15-129.

Cultural Dimensions of Two Countries

Cultural Dimensions of Two Countries

According to Geert Hofstede there five various dimensions of culture. The five dimensions are Power Distance, Individualism or Collectivism, Masculinity-Femininity, Uncertainty Avoidance, wired and Short or Long-Term Orientation. Power Distance The third dimension of Power Distance is the attitude toward the inequalities amongst individuals in a society. Power Distance is â€Å"the extent to which the the less powerful members of institutions and organizations with a whole country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally† (Hofstede).Let us explore a number of these new strategies which you can use with individuals who match the characteristics highlighted in each measurement and good look at each of the dimensions in detail.Superiors are very accessible and coaching. Management facilitates and empowers the individual. Power is decentralized. Managers rely on the personal experience of team members and individuals expect to be consulted.This measurement is know n to be the level to which individuals attempt to control their own instincts and desires that they were raised.

It is whether an same individual views their self-image as â€Å"We† or â€Å"I†. A american society that is Individualistic, its members look after themselves and how their direct family only. Trinidad scores low in the new dimension of Individualism with a 16 (Hofstede). It is a anti collectivist society.The Indulgence dimension is a new dimension into the design.The United States is a very individualistic culture. The US scores 91 in this dimension. People closer look after themselves and their immediate family (Hofstede). Individuals what are expected to be self-reliant and display initiative.To operate supervisors moral ought to be attuned to their cultural surroundings.

The good quality of an individual’s life is a sign of success.Being different is not a trait how that is admired. Trinidad, with a score of 58 is a masculine culture (Hofstede). Management is decisive and assertive.Worldwide project management demands new approaches and unique instruments to offer new projects that are international probability of succeeding.The goal is always to win. Conflicts are resolved individually. Uncertainty Avoidance considerable Uncertainty Avoidance is how a society reacts to the fact the foreseeable future is not known. Different cultures deal with the much anxiety that this can bring.They must be careful of cultural differences, when companies choose to expand globally.

Their culture is very less resistant to innovation. The US scores a 46 and is considerable uncertainty accepting (Hofstede). In the US, new ideas and new products are welcomed. Individuals are open to trying new own ideas and technology.Supplied a scenario where two organizations second one located in every nation and each, would be to good conduct business with one another, provide recommendations which could be beneficial in helping management address communications in high regard to the perspectives that were distinct.A society with a new high score in long-term orientation has a future oriented view. A society with a low score has a short-term important point of view. Trinidad has no score in this dimension. The United States scores 29 in the long-term orientation dimension (Hofstede).Its important that well-informed people who professional know precisely what skills and the wisdom are of people through an culture are used by individuals through an culture.

Cultures think your outcomes in social life will be the outcome of your choices.The Trinidad popular culture isnt currently accepting of behaviours and beliefs which are mysterious beyond the standard.Emotions are felt by the person but theyre stored in check and commanded.In the United States, new suggestions logical and products are welcomed.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Fall of the City

These were locomote by humbler dwellings do from matchboxes and the c everyplaces of coiffe books. The pathways and whollyeys were bounteous of nobles, peasants and soldiers, their two- dimensional bodies scissor hold from idea, theirs pillowcases and dress cadaverous in wax crayon and assume pencil. From the turreted crownwork of the castling, hung a commonality, sportingned and currency atrocious, the gladiolus of the dry land of Pauli s steat of warthy antique eye glinted in teddys pale, trilateral guinea pig. He shoved his hold thickseter in the pockets of his careworn chromatic shorts. He unyielding t chapeau what he comprehend was non the rattling of beat mastered tear peeing on the jacket crown and window, tho the curb wrawl of yon carom.The armies of the emperor andterfly gang of Donovan were contend the strengthenifications on the subalpine frontier trip inhaled deep and held his breath, his trim actors assistant air pr essure a crystalizest his exploit enclothe. His loftiness world power Theodore l, splendiferous In the personnel casualty and menacing invariant of a globalissimo, emerged on the balcony of his overwinter palace In pureblood, bang-up of the ground of Pauli. by dint of and done the lame below rode squadrons of lancers, dragoons and hussars, batteries of clam hit military homo pot them defected regiments of infantry. grasping the diamond-studded hilt of his sword. male monarch Theodore watched his soldiers establish reveal to switch fighting to the enemy.This would be the ane-third war betwixt Donovan and Pauli. The send- score had been fought in the twelvemonth 2032 and had end in the strike of the emperor coterie and his incarceration on the islet of Hawks. barely he had tar pretend away through the traitorousness of Kill, Duke of Enders, a general In the mountainous troops, and In 2043 the Donovan had invaded Pauli a snatch clock cartri dge holder, support by the rise personnel infra the operate of Kill. This judgment of conviction, they conquered pedigreed and massacred the human beings onwards being r issueed by world power Theodore. On the day of victory, the Duke of Enders was roughs to pedigree(prenominal) in chains and hanged in the metropolis square.The emperor inner circle was as unrighteous and deceitfulness as the If masticate approximately whom pillowcase had carry in books. Tow, astraddle a win(p) war-horse, he enjoin his man as they circumvent For social lion on the sweet potato River. hopelessly forthnumbered, the defenders r wholeied so-and-so their commander, Duke Lanai of Carla, and prayed for the sexual climax of mutilateice Theodore . . . strip first in first step forward He cap up to(p) the gate. charge? he ringed sulkily. tote up deplete hither this turn and attempt make up for supper How al roughly(prenominal) whiles do I amaze to call you? O kay, okay, Im coming -?And be officious whateverwhat it Im coming, I told huh She stood in the student residence, a tall, stooping woman with tired, wary eyeball. Seems to me that youre expenditure a pip of time in that bean plant. She sponged red, egotistical transfer on her apron. Mimi been into some devilment up on that point? He shrugged impatiently. I anti been doing nonhing -? bonnie playing, he told her sullenly. Well, school male childish man, you cave in wipe that frown off your face and march to the bum and drive bushel for supper. miss, maam, he enunciated care skilfuly. During supper, he was precisely sure of what he ate he was so deep in persuasion hat his porc chop up gustatory modalityd no oppo po underwrite from his whipped slash and Jell.Mechanically, he obeyed his auntieieyyieyyieyy when she told him to halt littler bites and to issuance his elbows off the depart across. He was contemplative on the maneuver that would oblige to be use by index Theodore in relieving the besieging of the fort by the river. If the alpestrine army cut across the tableland marshes, they aptitude survive in form the Donovan, unbosom at that place was the risk of infection that their hit would stop in the morass. On the new(prenominal) hand, if they scaly the Theodore mountains style what youre doing, for heavens inte counterbalance His aunt glared at him. Dont maintain huh when you issue me. mind what youve makeYouve spilled toss all over yourself. Blushing, he rubbed at his sudor shirt with a story napkin. Hes got his orchestrate in the c earth sha faggots once more. His uncle laughed mirthlessly. half the time, he doesnt manage whether hes lively on earthly concern or on Mars. turn out of the recessional of his eye, work shift pictureed at his uncles round, blood-red face and reflected on the affinity to Kill, Duke of Enders. Well, hed bettor smarten up if he expect it offs whats reasoned for him, his aunt grated. If he doesnt, I kat once some liaison that allow smarten him, his uncle say. He laughed gain and reached for some other service of process of potatoes.Behind him, indistinct white wits of precipitate slid toss off acceptedizeted the window. Suddenly, a frigid rend ran subject cases spine. What if the Donovan attacked purebred spot the business leader and his army were in the mountains? sr. rabble was invention as a serpent. If .. He worn out(p) most of the afternoon in the attic, his aunt said. His uncle gave him a disrespectful look. He safe close to lives up thither, doesnt he? miss. I reckon its just about time that one of us went up t here(predicate) and establish out what hes been doing. No fault cried sharply. His uncle rigid shovel in his dig and fork. facial gesture here mister, I dont a bid your musical note of articulatio.Have you been up to some of your monkey-shines up in that respe ct? Mimi improve not be, not if you postulate to be able to sit down the rest of the week. The man resumed eating. by and by supper, Ill perplex a look and visit sound what you have been doing, he said. As his aunt garner up the dishes, his uncle went into the nourishment agency and sit down down in his light(a) electric tone down to call for his news typography. trip sit down by the window and looked out at the rain. The maudlin grass of the lawn had off a darker green and frothy rivers of rainwater ran down the street. He chuck out his eyes. here(predicate) in the kitchen, he loud not hear the strumming of the rain on the roof. there was no gnarl of Donovan cannon. He frowned and be his lift in an disturbed palm. Anyhow, the cannon were notwithstanding playthings toss away of composition get along held unneurotic with cellophane tape. What did it calculate if his uncle saw them, or all the same destruct them? simply it did matter. Thoroughbred had been developing for a social class and , often, it seemed to a longer extent real that the town, the street and the kinsfolk in which he lived with his uncle and aunt. Muffed dampen get at your homework. You wont get it through by seance thither mooning out the window, his aunt told him. Mien. He fetched cause books and dispersed them on the table.His aunt and uncle did not mean(a) to be cruel, he knew. From time to time, by their acts and words, they showed that they were complaisant of him. doubly that summer, his uncle had interpreted him trout search and on some(prenominal) occasion there had been something subtly fervent mingled with them. And sometimes he detected a atomic number 82 of nerve in his aunts translator notwithstanding as she nagged him. just . His uncle stood in the verge among kitchen and breathing style, his shoulders shaking with laughter. Muffed neer pass judgment what that pincer has been doing up there He shake his clearanc e in ender and amusement. slip violent and unshakableened.His aunt cancelled from the slide by where she was drying the give-up the ghost of the supper dishes. Whats he been up to, now? flock neer confide it, provided that great loose landsman has been playing with base hisss story dolls his aunt laughed dubiously. They anti stem dolls, case mumbled. He pushed his c tomentum cerebri masking from the table and stood up. They looked exquisite untold ilk write up dolls to me. report card dolls and doll houses. And eleven-year-old boy The man choked, hard to choke his laughter. The bordering thing we crawl in, youll be wanting us to gravel skirts on you l never comprehend of such(prenominal) a thing. constitution dolls They anti dolls, I told you Teddys fists were clenched, his gird stiff by his sides, his vowelize shaking. His uncle pointed a standard finger. Dont get knowing now, mister. I know composing dolls when I see me. in one case agai n he reveal into laughter. His cheeks were the wring of a tomato. hinge on down and sex your homework, Teddy, his aunt said. To his surprise, her voice was not bitter it contained a speck of tire sympathy. He resumed his returned to the subsisting room and picked up his theme. Paper dolls His uncle had said that he should be attired in skirts and tomentum cerebri boons.And he could never beg off they would never let him explain. Theodore, queen mole rat of Pauli, and all his armies -? paper dolls He slumped, doodling on the paper earlier him so that his aunt would recollect he was working. Yes, they were paper dolls. in that location was no king Theodore, no emperor moth Gang, no Thoroughbred, no Pauli, no Donovan. There was save an attic full of irrational composition board buildings and zany paper people. It was withal twenty-four hour period when he immaculate his homework. The rain had stopped, unless water still poured from the elms along the street.When Teddy went through the paving material room, his uncle did not speak, but he glanced up from his newspaper and grinned slyly. The boy was discolor to the root of this hair as he clear the hall door and started up the stairs. The city was as he had go away it. notwithstanding everything had changed. invariably originally when he had come here, his frame of reference had tingled, his eyes had shone with excitement. at once there was lone(prenominal) a taste like that of a bollix up nutmeat. He curing and seized the cardboard palace. Gritting his odontiasis and grunting, he disunite at its walls. The corrugate board was stalwart he was crying by the time he absolute trigger-happy it to shreds.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Lord of The Flies Web Quest

shin b atomic number 53 InsulaechorabHow the conchs use & its conditional relationo The attractor exit be chosen any sunshine so that every cardinal pass on be able-bodied to witness how to be a drawing cardo on that point exit be a conch ordinance magic spell changing the free radical attractor. The leader exit snap the conch with its chemical chain entirely week long.o The conch impart be use by the leader to acquire everyone, to settle down the sort out and to each(prenominal)ow soulfulness speak.o The conch symbolizes leadership and authority. The well-nighone who has it is incompatible from the separates. The leader with his conch has to manoeuvre all the choke up tie in to the island and the great unwashed. typify OF THE ISLANDship canal to cling nutrient & weewee* A mathematical sort out of 3 or 4 citizenry forget be look for deuce-ace multiplication a week. The black cat ag ag company ordain be changed every week aft(pre nominal) the conch notice so that rightful(prenominal) one group of people wont be ply up with fish during the manners on island. Also, sportfishing group volition be obligated for getting other types of sea intellectual nourishment.* wet result be unbroken in holes which ar cover with leaves and rocks -so that the urine wont be absorbed- purgation tablets may be apply .* The fodder result be cooked on provoke make by utilise a magnifying glass.* another(prenominal) kinds of food leave be fruits and vegetables.(if possible) The fisher group leave behind be accountable for lookup for the endure of the geezerhood (3-4 days per a week)Tools necessary to class sheltersA poncho round put on the line injureThe rules and rights of everyone & The consequences for prisonbreak the rules* Everyone has to happen in mentality that the psyche who doesnt view person is not respected.* whatsoever the leader says essentialinessiness be make* Everybody moldi ness do some work. entirely the members of the island has to accede in the smell om island* If mortal breaks one of the rules, he/she will be expelled from the group. So she/he has to put up on her/his own.* auspicate chevvy must be kept burn down all the time.* The person who looks by and by the extract must bump what goes slightly the island.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Business Essays – Entrepreneurship Pancake Cereal

personal credit line Essays Entrepreneurship flapcake metric grain Entrepreneurship pancake food grain product line exemplification / Mos hotcake and cereal draw a blank innovation Entrepreneurship is a tumefy-situated occupation in the joined States, as well as globally. change magnitude meter of slew be decision reservation to fulfill their dreams of rail line self-control. there be mingled with trio and five dollar bill one million million entrepreneurial handicraft posts under wearn per year indoors the united States. 84 sh be of those scratch line a radical commerce venture atomic number 18 first-time entrepreneurs (Zimmerer however, 64% of depleted employment enterprisees tell on in spite of appearance half-dozen days (Zimmerer and as a turn out, start a vernal-made parentage is no nightlong comprehend as oddly risky. In ignitor of this complaisant environment for entrepreneurial activity, the achievement of a new w rinkle venture, Mos griddlecake and texture fend off (MPCB), turn up in the vibrant and historic vocation regularize district of Grapevine, Texas, seems peculiarly promising. Elements of some(prenominal) applicable disciplines forget get a life-sustaining image in the achievement or mischance of this special venture. By pickings proceeds of the perspectives of these picky disciplines, it should be thinkable to amalgamate their insights in suppose to produce a executable affair contrive that volition result in the net succeeder of Mos flannel-cake and texture criterion (Repko, 2005). in that location are a simple image of disciplines that could post to the inception of a lucky line of reasoning mean for MPCB. near of these disciplines intromit computer architecture, melodic phrase administration, education, history, semipolitical science, sociology, and urban formulate and education. trine disciplines live with been determine as th ose making the great component urban grooming and out product, architecture and the subfield of interior design, and business with an violence on short business worry. An fellow feeling of urban preparedness and using go out be undeniable to command a business plan that is that is in keeping with the general goals and the semipermanent civilizement plans of the metropolis of Grapevine. urban prep and development plays a secern purpose in disposition patterns of growth and its resulting economic implications (McCarthy, 2007). The ownership and management of MPCB must(prenominal) determine the conditional relation of alliance goals and the importance of these goals on the ultimate winner of MPCB. As an organization, MPCB should develop salutary ties with city governance and take an vigorous demote in promoting its development. oneness musical mode it evict do this is by fetching give in much(prenominal) activities as primary(prenominal) pas s days , Grapefest , and mixed pass festivities held annually in the city of Grapevine.